We are flattered that they’ve again chosen our new Charcoal XLV rock panels as the finish for their exhibit for this prestigious show. Their previous showing of a Norstone finish at this year’s Grand Designs London show proved to be a great success and a major talking point. Our Ochre Blend and Charcoal rock panels (both XLV and XLS) are widely used in gardens, landscaping and water features and are by far our biggest sellers in this market.
However, one leading garden designer has planned to use our Ivory and Sahara panels in her future designs so we're waiting with bated breath to see the results. We will, of course, add them to our website for all to see as soon as we get the photographs.
Owing to popular demand, we have now added Sahara, Ivory and White to the previous XLV range of Charcoal and Ochre Blend. These are identical to the standard XLS panels apart from featuring fewer pieces per panel which gives bolder, chunkier look highly suitable for grand scale projects.
We've seen Norstone used in some pretty unusual places and the versatile uses clients come up with never ceases to amaze us, although we've yet to see it used on a boat - please let us know if you see one!
However, you don't need to be a sailor or boat-owner to go to the show and if you're thinking of utilising your garden to add another much-needed room to your house then we strongly recommend talking the experts at Garden Spaces and seeing (and touching - it’s ok, everyone does!) Norstone at first hand on a real installation.
Tell them we sent you!