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Get a Lynia™ / Aksent™ quote
Grey Lynia™
Lynia™ Wall Tile Size One wall tile unit - 9 staggered 305mm strips Full unit dimensions: 381mm tall x 432mm wide x 12mm* thick ( includes grout gaps) 4 tile mats per box - .48 m2 Weight per m2 approx. 38.8kg *The stone wall tile is machine cut with tolerance levels of 2mm thickness and 0.5mm length and produces a slightly proud profile typical of natural stone.
Aksent™ ebony
Aksent™ corner unit
Aksent grey corner unit
Aksent™ standard panels
Panels = 610 x 152 x 12-16 mm 6 panels per box One box contains .56 m2 48 boxes per crate 288 panels per crate 26.8m2 per crate. Weight per m2 is approx. 40kg.
Internal/external interlocking corners
Panels = 610 X 152 X 12-16mm 6 panels per box. 1 box contains .92 linear(vertical) metres